On 2/9/2023 Monica posted this story to her personal blog. https://monicacatherine.com/2023/02/09/on-jay-oberski/ Full text below: On Jay O’Berski. Posted: February 9, 2023 | Author: Monica Byrne | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment UPDATE, February 10, 2023: I’ve been notified that the clinic that had employed Jay as an intern has cut all ties with him. Therefore, I’m removing their contact information from the post, though still naming them for the sake of public record. ~ I’m writing this public, searchable account about Jay O’Berski’s history so that no one can claim in good faith any longer that they “just didn’t know.” Background. To summarize: Jay O’Berski is a former professor of theatre at Duke University, and the founder and former Artistic Director of the now-dissolved Durham theatre company Little Green Pig Theatrical Concern. As of February 9th, 2023, he is training as a therapist at Wake Forest Universit...